Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring Concerts May 2011

Having kids in 3 different schools sure is different when doing extra activities.  Gone are the days when we could enjoy one evening of piano recital.  This spring we had 3 evenings of concerts for the 3 of their programs.

It was neat that the elementary school focused on the state of Pennsylvania for their songs.  The auditorium was decorated with items like a giant Hershey kiss, Pennsylvania Dutch, horse and buggy, Steeler's, Phillie's and Penn State signs.  They learned that the state bug is the firefly, state snack chocolate chip cookies and state toy is the slinky, among other facts.  The kindergarten class even had a song about shoe fly pie (and now my kids know where the song Shoe Fly came from, except now that I am typing it, I don't know why it is spelled like the shoe you put on your foot!)

Their school shirt was even themed with glow in the dark fire flies

Nadia's concert had a pre-show art exhibit

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