Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17th Our Earth Day

It was a bit late, but we had our own little Earth Day today.  Small as it is, we planted some vegetables in a garden.  Since we are renting, we had to limit the size and damage of a garden.  The only thing we have ever grown has been strawberries and tomatoes.  This year McDonald's gave out some seeds, so we are attempting to grow what we got, lettuce and carrots.  Ilaiza has some cucumber seeds in some type of soil replacement packet that she did at school.  We will see if they sprout and may plant those too.  

Hopefully we get a lot of lettuce to eat this summer!

We also got some tree seedlings from school.  We planted those in pots so that we can take them with us in the future when we move.  I took pictures of the kids next to them and set a challenge to see which grows the fastest, the kids or the trees?

Spring Concerts May 2011

Having kids in 3 different schools sure is different when doing extra activities.  Gone are the days when we could enjoy one evening of piano recital.  This spring we had 3 evenings of concerts for the 3 of their programs.

It was neat that the elementary school focused on the state of Pennsylvania for their songs.  The auditorium was decorated with items like a giant Hershey kiss, Pennsylvania Dutch, horse and buggy, Steeler's, Phillie's and Penn State signs.  They learned that the state bug is the firefly, state snack chocolate chip cookies and state toy is the slinky, among other facts.  The kindergarten class even had a song about shoe fly pie (and now my kids know where the song Shoe Fly came from, except now that I am typing it, I don't know why it is spelled like the shoe you put on your foot!)

Their school shirt was even themed with glow in the dark fire flies

Nadia's concert had a pre-show art exhibit

April 30, 20111 Loyalty Walk

We joined my mom and her dogs on a 3 mile Loyalty Walk.  She raised $95 to support the local animal shelter.  

The day was beautiful and the walk went through the battlefield.  Everyone survived with just a couple getting piggy back rides.  Josh decided to run the last mile and half (without permission), so I speed walked the last mile and half to catch up to him.

Shaylene pretty confident before the walk

The string of walkers

Josh with Sedona

Ryan getting a ride from Mikayla

Liza looking tired already

My mom and Nadia with Gidget

After walk smiles

Liza telling just how far and tiring it was


Make a Wish Truck Convoy May 1st 2011

We got to see the Make a Wish Truck Convoy as it passed right through our town square.  It was fun to see truckers proudly supporting the cause and many of them having a blast with a Make a Wish child riding right there next to them. 

various degrees of boredom as we waited.