Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pennsylvania Or Bust!

My goal today is to post our whole trip across country last summer.  I almost started with our last days and final goodbyes in AZ, but have decided to wait on that.  I will go back later and cover all that.  

We were so blessed to have Alexa, the daughter of my friend Brenda join us on our trip.  Alexa was just 1 when I had met her, and now she was 20!  She gave us a week of her life as she flew from NY to AZ and then rode the whole way with us.  

 Monday, June 14, 2010.  Litchfield Park Arizona to Albuquerque New Mexico 477 miles.

This was our first day.  We left in the morning heading to my brother and family in NM.  Each of the kiddos had a tote with travel goodies.  Each day they had a little gift to unwrap.  Alexa helped put these together the night before leaving.  We put a map on each lid.  The route we were taking was highlighted, with each stop marked down too.  The car was packed as full as it could be! Sometimes we had to do a double take to make sure all the kids were back there.  

Finally, we arrive in NM and the kids were glad to settle down for the evening with their cousin Kylin.

It didn't take long for me to feel spoiled as Alexa read them goodnight stories!

Tuesday, June 14th, Day 2 A day of rest and quality time visiting with family.  

After the time leading up to the taking off for the move, a day of down time was really welcomed by me!  I got to catch up on some much needed sleep.  We spent the day hanging out with our New Mexico family that we knew we wouldn't again for a while.  Shaylene and Uncle Scott watched the little ones as the "big" girls, Natalie, Alexa and I went out for some pedis.  The kids played dress up and outside on the playground setup.  By evening time I told Brenda (Alexa's mom) that I had decided that Alexa should move along with us and continue her college education in PA.  She was so helpful and the kids all took to her really well. 

Wednesday June 15th Day 3  We got up and said our goodbyes and hit the road on our way through Texas and into Oklahoma.  Mileage  538 miles. 

We drove all day until we hit Amarillo.  We became tourists for a while and hit the cars at Cadillac Ranch.  We didn't do any painting, but those before us sure did.  

Scott, Natalie and Kylin

Our trip found at at a motel for the night, some evening swimming and local Mexican food for dinner. 
This was probably the toughest day.  Josh had a hard time in the car for a while and then a tough time getting settle that night.  I would say, other than those bumps, our trip went by very smoothly.

Day 4, Thursday June 16 Oklahoma City OK, to St. Louis MO 498 miles. 

This day we were headed towards our friends Mandy, Ryan and Anna!  

Our first sighting of Ryan's Restaurant

Anna and Brittney 

Shaylene and Anna

skipping down the land into the woods

Our days adventure ended as we stepped out of the car into the humidity!  It wasn't too hot, just humid.  The kids really enjoyed seeing green!  As evening came they got to see their first fireflies.  

Day 5 Friday June 17th. Staying put and visiting with Mandy, Ryan, Anna and even Mandy's niece and nephew who were visiting from AZ.  It was nice to hang out with a friend who was from AZ but not in AZ, although they were about to head back to AZ.  

We had some of Mandy's yummy chicken Alfredo for dinner and then some firework attempts before bed.  
Mandy and I 

Entertaining while waiting for some fire crackers

Day 6 June 18th St. Louis MO to Columbus OH 420 miles.  

This day was pretty uneventful.  We stopped at Wendy's for lunch and spent some time just hanging out in the nice green and cool grass.  Then we headed to just past Columbus and stopped at a hotel.  Again time was spent in the pool!  

Entering Ohio

Josh loved that Alexa is a soccer player

Ryan's silly moves

Nadia's crazy moves

Day 7 Sunday June 20th.  Ohio to Syracuse NY 475 miles.  

This day we got up and headed out earlier than usual.  We wanted to get to the Thayer family and visit since we couldn't stay overnight this time!  It was 14 years since I had seen the Thayer girls, and 7 1/2 years since seeing Brenda.  
Entering PA just for a short time, cutting through to NY 

Entering NY 

Roger and Brenda, still the same

Brenda and Lydia

Josh got to play more soccer with Alexa's boyfriend Steve

Brenda and Jalisa

Ryan was sooo tired

finger licking good

double the yum

Shaylene secretly enjoying her s'more
 It was so nice to spend the evening visiting with friends again.  I loved seeing how beautifully (in many ways) the Thayer girls have grown up.  After s'mores we enjoyed hot tub time and then as we did for so many gatherings, fell asleep watching a movie (although this time it didn't take as long as when we were younger).

Monday June 21st   Day 8, Last leg of trip, Syracuse NY to New Oxford PA 286 miles.  

It was sad to say goodbye to Alexa as we left her in NY instead of kidnapping her as I had wished to.  She had made our trip so much fun and more relaxing for me.  What a wonderful young lady she has become.

Entering Pennsylvania, for real this time

This was it for the pictures.  I'll have to find some of our arrival.  We
arrived in time to attend what was to become our new church home's Summer Bible Camp.

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