Friday, April 29, 2011

Spring Break Part II

Easter Morning 

Balloon Release

Kingdom Kids Playground  

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring Break Part I

This year we really enjoyed our spring break.  It was different for us to have break scheduled around Easter and have some time before and after to do special things.  

Even before the kids official break began we were blessed to have our friends Heather, Spencer and Alex come for a visit.  These kids really enjoy playing together and it was nice for me to have an "old" friend to catch up and spend time with again.  During the three days they were here we had some fun times. 

Ryan and Alex Wii Racing

Spencer and Ilaiza looking at a Star Wars book

One of our planned activities became a failed egg hunt, so we took the kids to the track to get out some energy.

Nadia running the bleachers instead of the track
We ended up doing our own egg hunt.  

Cream Eggs! Yum!

Spencer made cream snakes

Something about these eggs is funny!

Liza's got the shape down

Saying Goodbye

Saturday morning came and our guests had to move on to visit family so we said our goodbyes

Ryan loves rain boots!


Go Spencer!

All the kids in one shot!

Spencer, Heather, and Ilaiza

Dying Eggs