Sunday, November 15, 2009


In history the K's learned about the rainforest and how they made loin cloth. They each made their own cloth. Ryan of course really needed a loin cloth!


Ilaiza's first big haircut. She has been waiting a year for it! I had told her that on her 5th birthday she could have it cut. I braided it and cut off the braid to send to Locks of Love. That cuts about 20 minutes off getting ready!

Lost tooth!

One more lost tooth! Now there are 3 holes!

Ilazia's Birthday Picnic at the Park

Ilaiza had a blast playing and eating birthday goodies at the park. She enjoyed having special friends there to share in her day! Oh, yes, and she loved opening presents too!

Ilazia's Birthday

For Ilaiza's birthday we were able to go back to the horse farm for a free lesson (BOGO!). This time friend's joined us. This time we saw how the hooves get cleaned out and saw one get hosed off. Hopefully next time they will get to muck a stall!

Arizona Rock and Mineral Museum

Arizona Rock and Mineral Museum

Happy 7th Birthday Nadia!

For Nadia's birthday dinner we had a cookout with hot dogs and s'mores and good friends. The attempt at a campout failed due to tent difficulties and somehow the sleeping on the trampoline idea never materialized, so it turned into movie night.

Nadia's 7th Birthday

For Nadia's birthday we all went horseback riding. It had been years since I had been on a horse, and Nadia had been the only kid only on a horse. They got to brush the horses before riding. They all loved it except Ryan. I think it was too high up for him. Maybe if his horse had stripes- like in the movie "Stripes" (he doesn't understand yet that he's really not a horse).

Lost tooth!

What was in their food?
